Good marketing for new products is going to have a strong initial marketing push that takes place well before the product is actually released, but what about right when you do open up your door to your customers? You need to have a smooth transition between your initial marketing pushes and your more permanent marketing.
The first marketing you do upon release is going to be more specific than the previous marketing you got done. For complicated or innovative new products that initial marketing you did should?ve focused on explaining to people what it is that your product does so they?ll know exactly why they should buy it.
If you didn?t do that already than now is the time to put in those brochure printing orders. No matter what you?ve already done I would still suggest that you get some solid brochures made that give people the full details on what your product is and how it applies to them, because not everyone will have seen your first marketing.
Brochures stand as one of the better forms of advertising for new products, because even if the product is simple and easy to understand, you?ll still want to have room to talk about it and apply it to a person?s life. Your first marketing push might consist of just letting people see the product, while the second marketing push on release will be about explaining to people what it is that your product can do for them.
Beyond the brochure printing, you need to be sure you know exactly what kind of numbers you?ll need to have in stock. I?ve seen many new products that were harmed by their own success. So many people wanted them the company didn?t have enough in stock, and this made people end up being frustrated in the end and turning away from the company instead.
Make sure that you keep careful tabs on the hype and excitement you?re able to generate with your first marketing push so that you have a good estimate of how many you?re going to need. The reverse side of this can be true as well where a company expects much heavier sales and so they have far too many in stock. When their surplus doesn?t sell they end up with some lost money due to having too many initially made.
This can be just as harmful and turn what could?ve been a relatively successful product release into a burden on the company because they?re now saddled with too many of the product.
If you?re paying careful attention to your initial marketing and what interest people have you can be better prepared for both of these scenarios.
The marketing you have on release can make or break your sales, so be sure you?ve giving it your undivided attention.